Dear All,
It was wonderful learning experience of Koha Up-gradation/Re-Implementation at IGKV, Raipur. Koha was implemented, customized and maintained by OpenLx technologies as per credit note in the Koha 3.12. But library was struggling to use its full feature due to training, management or other issues. It was installed on IBM X3300 M4 Server on Debian 7.
I took the backup and restored it on Koha 16.11.10, initially at the time of updating Koha database schema system was not able to do anything and i did not understand the reason, tried with restarting mysql after restoring but even though schema update command won’t give any result than i simply rebooted the test machine and then database schema command worked fine and i saw updating version to version with some error too but could not understand those errors and their impact. Tested all bibliographic records were visible and searchable too, biblio entry and member entry worked fine, transaction worked nicely etc. Therefore i took the same backup and restored again in the Server machine with latest Ubuntu 16.04 desktop edition by replacing older installation. I used Ubuntu desktop because in-house manpower can at least see desktop files and folders and give me/volunteer remote access easily directly from server in-case of help needed. The member data of newly admitted students has been also imported with some new system configurations and OPAC customized, brief and needed training has been given in short time to staffs.
I configured print slip too for check-out of books with EPSON printer model TM-T82, Most important was to see the recent serious issues of data corrupt and generation of same Id in Mysql for old-issues, deleteditems etc. table. The “About Koha” page has option “System Information” to see any error related to it and unlucky i got few (duplicate ID’s) because of which system was not able to return the books. Installed phpmyadmin so see those duplicate Key/ID’s and deleted one by one and than transaction worked fine. As suggested on bugzilla i created the file to avoid data loss related issues which is very serious at this time in my view and causing problems in routine works.
The good thing is due to internet related issues we use JIO internet connectivity for live installation of Koha and related things which worked smoothly in test and production machine too. Hence, we can now use such a low priced internet solution for a highly needed solutions too. I am happy and expect library will have now automated transaction with books.