Dear All,
First of all, i wish you all for a happy librarians day if Dr. Ranganathan DOB is on 12th August.
Since many days I am fed up with explanations of many library professionals on celebration date of Librarians Day which is supposed to be on the date of birth of Dr. Ranganathan, but some celebrate it on 9th August and some on 12th August. I observed some says the actual date of birth is 9th and some say officially is 12th so there are two different dates. My view is for such an internationally known great personality there must be some uniformity as per official records and scientific evidence because our upcoming generation will follow the same after 1000s of the year. If Dr. Ranganathan born on 9th then this fact is known by his family and very close once so they can emotionally celebrate his birth anniversary on the same day but the entire world is not at all aware of this fact so 12th must be taken as his official and scientific date of birth.
Dr. Ranganathan DOB is also celebrated as Librarians Day which again call for some uniformity as per the various standards are given by him in cataloguing rules/canons/principals etc. He is an internationally known person in LIS therefore non-uniformity from India itself will be really the very embarrassing situation for other countries. It also reflects LIS professionals are not at all serious and bother about such things but they do it just to add one event and enjoy the day and it does not reflect unity among professionals in a matter of common interest. My intention is not to hurt you all but please think about it and do it in some scientific way in mass with full of enthusiasm. Please let me know you were present on the day when Dr. Ranganathan was born? if not then how can you say his actual DOB? This curiosity and some conflicting statement motivated me to file an RTI related to His DOB on Ministry of Home affairs, Government of India so that I can get the clear picture and ask the peoples on what ground they are celebrating Dr. Ranganathan DOB/Librarians day in different dates.
Thanking You.

Dear Sir,
What is the reply, you have received?
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Thank you very much sir