Dear All
In General Library facilitates online reservation/hold on books which is already issued to some one but now due to Covid19 it is good idea to activated the feature to reserve/hold those books which is even available on shelves too. To view all the books on particular subject kept on shelves users may use BOOK BROWSE feature of OPAC, it is a kind of Virtual shelve which gives facility to browse the library shelves without visiting physically and place the Hold on books to be issued.
The benefits are:
> Time will be saved in searching the books in library and have better social distancing due to Covid19
> Users need not to physically visit the library to see all the books available on particular subject
> Users can reserve as many as possible books depend on limit set by library at a time which is already available on shelves
> Books reserved by users will be searched by staff and automated email will be sent through Koha for collecting the same.
A SQL report is written below to get list of all the books reserved by users, it will help to bring/search those books from the shelves and check in to the Koha for generating automated collect message.
SELECT concat(‘Prof. ‘ ,c.firstname, ‘ ‘,c.surname, ‘ ‘) ‘Name’, c.cardnumber’Employee No.’,b.title ‘Title’, i.itemcallnumber ‘Call Number’, date(r.timestamp) AS “Reserve/Hold Date” , i.barcode ‘Accession No.’
FROM reserves r
LEFT JOIN biblio b ON (r.biblionumber=b.biblionumber)
LEFT JOIN items i ON (i.biblionumber=b.biblionumber)
LEFT JOIN borrowers c ON (r.borrowernumber=c.borrowernumber)
WHERE i.itemnumber NOT IN (SELECT issues.itemnumber FROM issues)
AND r.waitingdate IS NULL
GROUP BY i.itemcallnumber
ORDER BY r.timestamp ASC