My experience of Revamping Koha at MGAHV

My experience of Revamping Koha at MGAHV

Dear All,

Recently i visited Central Library MGAHV for some solutions related to existing Koha library management software. I observed that the software was installed on non recommended operating system (Centos) due to which up-gradation was very difficult as well as auto backup and indexing was not working at all. Further the Koha was configured wrongly and not able to meet the present and future requirement of the Library. I took the backup but unfortunately that backup is also not working on the Koha fresh installed machine, may be due to some issues at database level. Ultimately i took all the data in MARC format anyhow and does lot of modifications in that like proper categorization of books and some corrections in data which was not done properly.  My suggestions are:

1. Library should properly intimate about their present and future requirement to the vendor as well as vendors must also try to understand their requirement with the help of some LIS professionals.

2. Testing must be throughly done before final implementations.

3. If migrating from any existing system vendor must correct the data maximum at the time of data conversion/editing.

4. Proper in-house training is must before and after final Implementation, because what you feed same you get from system.

5. Inviting the experts who is having practical knowledge for suggestions before the implementation of ILMS is a nice idea which will work for forever.

The MGAHV library is very nice and peaceful to work having mostly hindi book collections along with other languages books, the environment of the whole campus is very nice and good for research and academic purpose. People at MGAHV are very calm and typical excellent Indian cultured with high academic backgrounds. I hope very soon all will enjoy their very nice Koha as per their requirements.

Thanking You.


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